短语动词是什么?英文ESSAY写作 英语论文写作正确使用短语动词






Use up: to exhaust, to use entirely
The guest used up all the water.
Make up: to reconcile
She made up with her parents.



Take after: to resemble, to look like
She takes after her mother.
Turn off: to shut off, to stop
She turned off the lights.



Get away with: to escape punishment
Don’t think about getting away with this.
Sneak up on: to surprise from behind
The cat snuck up on the mouse before pouncing.









This paper looks at the effect of Drug Y on patients.
This paper examines the effect of Drug Y on patients.
The research found out that Drug Y had no effect on the patients.
The research discovered that Drug Y has no effect on the patients.

以下短语动词经常出现在学术写作中 : carry out, consist of, and subject to.









The student gave back the book.
The student gave the book back to her.
Don’t forget to hand in your assignment.
Don’t forget to hand your assignment in.


The boy might set off the alarm.
He might set it off.
The boy might set off it.





The thieves broke into the house last night.
The thieves broke the house into last night.
Please go over the materials before the lecture.
Please go the materials over before the lecture.




短语动词 含义 句中示例 可分隔或
Back down 放弃;让步 It’s too late for them to back down now. 不可分隔
Back off 后退;软化;减轻;卸下 The attackers finally backed off and left the victim alone. 不可分隔
Back up 支持,援助;(资料)备份;倒退;裱;堵车 I need you to back me up. 可分隔
Call back 回电;收回 Can she call you back in an hour? 可分隔
Call for 要求;需要;提倡;邀请;为…叫喊;前往接某人 This situation calls for immediate action. 不可分隔
Call in 打电话;召集;召来 Employees should call in when they are sick. 可分隔
Call off 取消;依次叫名;叫走 Since it’s raining outside, we should call off the game. 可分隔
Deal with 处理;涉及;做生意 She will deal with this problem herself. 不可分隔
Dig into 钻研;掘进去 The researchers hope to dig into this issue soon. 不可分隔
Draw back 撤退;拉开;收回;退却;使保持距离 The military can’t draw backthe troops now. 不可分隔
Drop by 顺便拜访 We will drop by your place on the way to the office. 不可分隔
Drop off 送人;送东西;减少;让…下车;睡着 I have to drop my sister off at school. 可分隔
End up 最终到达某个状态、某地或达成某个行动;结束 She ended up in the hospital after the accident. 不可分隔
Fall apart 崩溃;土崩瓦解;破碎 The business deal fell apart. 不可分隔
Fall behind 落在后面;拖欠 Why are you falling behind in school? 不可分隔
Fall out 脱落;发生;争吵;离队 He opened his bag and some money fell out. 不可分隔
Fall through 落空;失败 Unfortunately, the planfell through. 不可分隔
Figure out 解决;算出;想出;理解;断定 Please give me a few minutes to figure this out. 可分隔
Fill in for 代替,替换别人的位置 Can you fill in for me today at work? 不可分隔
Fit in with 适应;符合;与…一致 This structure doesn’t seem to fit in with its surroundings. 不可分隔
Focus on 集中于,专注于 You should focus on one problem at a time. 不可分隔
Frown upon 不赞成 Bad behavior in public places is very much frowned upon. 不可分隔
Get along with 与…和睦相处;取得进展 It would be nice if you could get along with your brother. 不可分隔
Get away 离开;逃脱;出发 She got away from the thief. 可分隔
Get down to 开始处理;着手处理 Let’s get down to business right away. 不可分隔
Get off 下车,下飞机;动身;免于受罚;脱下 I will be getting off at this stop. 可分隔
Get out of 走出一个地方;逃避;避免;戒掉(某个习惯);从…退出 He tried to get out of doing homework. 可分隔
Get over 克服 He got over the breakup rather quickly. 不可分隔
Get rid of 摆脱,除去 It’s time to get rid of all the old clothes. 不可分隔
Give in 屈服;让步;交上 She never gives in easily. 不可分隔
Go after 追求,追逐 Do whatever it takes to go after your dream. 不可分隔
Hand in 交上;提交;呈送 Don’t forget to hand in your assignment. 可分隔
Hand out 分发;施舍;把…拿出来 I need help handing these papers out. 可分隔
Hang on to 紧紧抓住;紧握;保留 Hang on to the rope and don’t let go! 不可分隔
Hang out 出去玩;闲逛;挂出 She hangs out with her new friends a lot. 不可分隔
Hang up 挂断电话;搁置,拖延 Please don’t hang up on me. 不可分隔
Head for 前往;出发;取向于 I’m heading for Montana this summer. 不可分隔
Indulge in 沉湎于,沉溺于 She indulged in some expensive wine. 不可分隔
Jot down 草草记下 Can you jot down the number please? 可分隔
Keep up with 跟上;赶得上;和…保持联系 It’s hard to keep up with so much homework. 不可分隔
Leave out 遗漏,省去;不考虑 He left out the answer on purpose. 可分隔
Look ahead 预测未来,计划未来 Look ahead and plan accordingly. 不可分隔
Look through 浏览,温习;看穿,识破;从…中显露 The students looked through the book before the test. 不可分隔
Make up with 与…重修旧好;与…和解 I made up with my sister after our huge fight. 不可分隔
Miss out on 错过机会;错失 Don’t miss out on the chance to get it for free. 不可分隔
Move out 搬出;开始行动 He moved out of the apartment after finding a more suitable place. 不可分隔
Name after 以…命名 She is named after her grandmother. 不可分隔
Pick up 不费力地学会;捡起;获得;收拾;汽车或飞机乘载 It’s hard to pick up on what the professor is saying. 可分隔
Pull through 渡过难关;恢复健康 She managed to pull through the illness. 可分隔
Put up with 忍受;容忍 I can’t put up with your whining anymore. 不可分隔
Set off 出发;引起;动身;使爆炸;抵销;分开 We set off for the trip early in the morning. 可分隔
Show up 出现;露面;露出;揭露 She managed to show up an hour late. 不可分隔
Take apart 拆开;剖析;粗暴对待 Take apart the machine to see what it’s made up of. 可分隔
Take off 起飞;脱下;离开;突然成功 The airplane took off successfully. 可分隔
Think over 仔细考虑;重新考虑 Please think it over before making a final decision. 可分隔
Use up 用完,耗尽 We used up all the gas in the tank. 可分隔
Warm up 热身;再加热变暖 Could you please warm up the milk? 不可分隔
Wear away 磨损;消磨;流逝 The rocks were worn away by the rain. 不可分隔


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